Beyond Hope Project with Jason Tharp

Mindful Creation: Harnessing Inner Power and Embracing Change with Chloë DeChelle

September 11, 2024 Beyond Hope Project Episode 54

In this episode of the Beyond Hope Project Podcast, Jason Tharp is joined by Chloë DeChelle, an Empowerment Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Chloë has guided clients worldwide in harnessing their inner power and consciously creating their desired reality. Through her unique blend of mindfulness practices, the Law of Attraction, and direct personal experience, Chloë offers a practical and effective approach to unlocking one’s true potential. Join Jason and Chloë as they discuss overcoming fear, embracing change, and rewriting self-narratives to live a more fulfilling and empowered life. Tune in for a transformative conversation that could change how you view your potential!

MEET Chloë DeChelle:
Chloë DeChelle, Empowerment Coach, mindfulness practices, Law of Attraction, conscious creation, overcoming fear, personal growth, harnessing inner power, conscious decision-making, rewriting self-narratives, emotional awareness, embracing change, practical empowerment, true potential, Beyond Hope Project, Jason Tharp, self-improvement, personal transformation, mindset shift, life coaching, unlocking potential.

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Hi, I’m Jason!
Ever since I was six, I knew I was born to tell stories. As a best-selling author, illustrator, and sought-after speaker, I've turned my personal battles with grade four brain cancer, obesity, and negative self-talk into fuel for transformation. My keynotes don't just talk—they spark potential, ignite creativity, and build resilience. If you're ready for an engaging experience that challenges the status quo and propels your organization to new heights, let's turn your 'impossible today' into 'possible tomorrow' together!

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hey guys this Jason welcome back to Beyond hope project podcast I am really excited to introduce you all to Khloe


Delle I met Khloe through Tik Tok um I was scrolling through and I saw one of her videos pop up and I just was like


kind of like sucked in by how authentic and warm she was in her videos the way


she approached the concept of mindful creation and the Law of Attraction and


just resonated with me um as you're all hear in here like throughout the interview um she's a real person and


she's going through real stuff and uh overcome a lot of really cool things and uh just really you know it just I felt


very vibing with and we found out afterwards that we have a close birthday so it kind of explains a little bit of all that stuff too but you know she


really is all about helping people find their true potential and um is like I said available for coaching and all the


stuff like that we have all the show notes in here to link to all of her awesome stuff that she has out there and


um you know as any every time we uh do these make sure you're sharing this helping us spread the hope and uh enjoy


this podcast with Chloe [Music]


Delle hey Chloe thank you so much for joining me here um you know I I just uh


we met through a Tik Tok video of yours and I really just loved the way that you


presented a Tik Tok and I just was like immediately was like hey would you like me to be on my show and uh you agreed so


here we are and I I appreciate it we had a really cool we had a cool conversation and um you know and I you know I'm a


huge fan of like when people are doing some really cool stuff putting good out in the world uh let's amplify that


message and let's really find um other people out there that are looking for this type of stuff um and so we kind of


Jump Right In with a a question that starts off what the whole thing is uh with Beyond hope project so what i' like


to do is I'd like to give the guest the definition of how we Define Hope on here which is a little different than what


you would get traditionally I guess um so I Define hope as an impact point it's the starting or the spark to the path


showing you that there is a path right and then the next step is that people are going to go down that path and most


people when they go down things don't work out the way they thought it would and a lot of people say I failed or


whatever and this is where we believe hope swings back around and says like no no no you didn't fail all that happened is maybe the path moved a little bit


this way and we try to provide that beginning and end like the spark and


then to show you that it's there and then be there to pick you Back Up When It ultimately fails you because it will


right and so with that definition of Hope if you can go back into any point of chlo's life and give you some hope


like can you give us a little context of what it would be maybe what you would say all that good stuff like


that yes wow um there's several points I like that you


called hope an impact point because when I really think about the moments where I needed hope I'm I do


tend to think about the most transitional moments of my life where there was some sort of pivot


that was about to happen or there was some sort of catalyzation that was


occurring um but the first moment that came to mind was really the first moment I


realized I was feeling trapped working in jobs that I did not want to work in in Corporate


America and in that moment everything was so specific and so


intense and it felt like I was just sort of in a little bit of like a fishbowl and when I thought about life outside of


that it all felt very vague and scary and uncertain and it took quite a bit of


sort of mustering Hope and courage in that moment um to really move into that


next phase and that was definely one of moments of yeah where I would say if


I had to go back and just pour tons of Hope onto that I would because that was the turning point that sort of led me


down the path that I'm on right now and I would have just poured tons of Hope there because it would have made me do


everything I did quicker right that's the be hindsight right on hindsight we can kind of look back and go like damn


why did it take me so long I I always joke around people I've talked about on here a lot and I've talk a lot when I do Kos is like I


always like kind of baffle myself because I'm like why did it take a brain tumor for me to wake up to my life like


why did it have to be that intense you know and it wasn't like this was the first time it happened like I'm sure the


same as you like a lot of people listening when you're in that corporate world it's not like you didn't see an


out like it wasn't like you know so what was that what was that point for you that gave you the strength to take that


first step like was it was was it forced upon you was it something that you just finally said you know what I Surrender


I'm going to step and see like what was the spark for you in that point in your


life you know I will say like many moments in my life and then I think I've also seen this in other people's lives


what it comes down to is that the pressure of being in a situation that's so inauthentic and so


disconnected eventually that sort of outweighs the fear of the unknown


so there was this moment where basically it was just like okay I'm either just


going to continue to just pressurize myself and just create immense amounts


of pressure unnecessarily and see where that leads which was probably to some sort of


burnout related situation or I'm just going to jump with the skill sets that I have and with the


things that I know are possible was Law of Attraction with manifesting and I'm just going to see


what happens and at the very least I would be able to say I don't want to


manifest my reality anymore I'm just GNA go back but at the most I would be able to


say okay I was able to create something tangible from something intangible and I


knew that that would give me the confidence to do anything I wanted to do for the rest in my


life yeah so that was it for me it was just the The Joy started or the


possibility started to feel more exciting than the pain of thinging yeah


and did it would you say that in that step and I'm asking this and to give you context of the people that are out there


that are hearing that that says like you know hey I can relate to that was it that you found that immediately it


unfolded like or was it one of those things where that first step is scary as hell and you just had to take and just


trust I think because a lot of us think that all you have to do is just wish right and like you know if you can go in


a little bit of that like you know we'll dive in definitely into what you do now with Law of Attraction everything that which I'm totally we've already talked


I'm I'm in with you on that 100% but I think people get confused in thinking that's just like that's just the magic


part of it all you got to do is just yeah just be there and say like I'm going and then that all of a sudden it


just magically shows up could you maybe kind of dip into some of the some of the the strugles that you learned from along


the way on that and and we can talk about how you use that


nowadays yeah so the way that the the curve kind of was for me out of that


scenario was it was like kind of like a lot of struggle struggle and then I'd kind of like ah like start thinking


about what's possible then go back to struggling and


eventually it it really just kind of just started happening very quickly like


all at once I remember like the decision for me happened over the course of like a week and it was just like I kind of just


was like I think I'm just going to do it and it's really interesting because


throughout my life I would say that has sort of been a theme like you know being


being willing to just have a moment of Courage like being willing to just jump in the water like there's even a picture of me from when I was like four years


old getting ready to just jump into this swimming pool and I was like terrified


you know but I didn't you know I had floaties on so like looking back at that


I'm like oh you're you're G to be just fine which is the same way that I look back on all those versions of me like oh


yeah you were just fine you had everything you needed but it's just when you're in that sort of sub subjective


experience um sometimes it just takes that like I said before the pressure sort of building up to sort of push you


into the water right um and so that is a lot of the struggle is dealing with the emotional


regulation when the stakes are seemingly very high when you have very real bills that


are due when you have people that are dependent on you when you have you know expectations that you feel


like you're trying to meet internally and externally and then saying yeah I'm


going to do something that makes me appear on the outside to look a little bit like someone who


kind of flipping and doesn't really care and is irresponsible but knowing that it's the


most responsible thing I could do based on what's going on inside of me right so it really takes this


very um it takes this very um intense willingness to


say I trust my path I trust my process no matter what this is going to look


like to other people and trusting that even the people around you that are


witnessing this that might have thoughts about your process or that might have thoughts that you're not doing what you should be


doing those people may find themselves at some point in a part of their Journey where they would need to know that


courage is possible and so to me that's kind of that was always my my sort of back and


forth internally or the struggle that always came up was what it looked like versus what was actually happening yeah


that's that's great and how what what impact do you think the stories we tell ourselves have on those moments for


ourselves everything yeah right and yeah it's it's everything did you find


yourself because see if this is relatable to you like you know when I I I like to tell people and and in my own


Reflections where I kind of came to this is I realized that like during good days we don't tell ourselves stories like


during good days we just kind of go and it's like but the second something goes bad like we dip into just the worst


stories about ourselves and we draw connections to like a whole lifetime like it's like we take we like take


every mistake we've ever made and that becomes our reality story you know how do how do you catch yourself when you're


being a bad Storyteller to yourself well now it's really it's


really one of those um quote unquote like skill sets that's unconsciously confident for me so it's just totally


natural I just I just will catch it because I'm just so used to just looking for it but I think the underlying


assumption that got me to the place where it's just an unconscious thing that I do was just assuming that


everything that's happening in my experience is happening for my Evolution


so that sort of reframes that reframes when things are triggering you start to feel like okay


well if I'm assuming that everything is happening for my Evolution for my benefit for me to get stronger happier


more joyful more free the there's something in here for me so then I become more interested and


curious about the experience that I'm being that I'm having inside of the


body um then I am interested in projecting onto it via the narrative


yeah and that that's the part of it where it's like um most people think like yeah I'm thinking through this and


I'm thinking about what needs to happen next and it's like no you're not you're actually projecting based on a story


that you're telling that's based on the emotions that are triggered so if you just default to being curious about the


emotions that are triggered and hey like where's this coming from for me what am I really afraid of here and getting


really grounded in what your body is experiencing that that to me is probably


one of the biggest skills that that you could develop when it comes to this type


of work conscious creatorship yeah yeah that's wonderful I think the the idea that you you can't go into a situation


my wife reminds me of this often because I'm I'm a recovering um you know bad


Storyteller myself too and and you know and sharpening that and it's and it's one of those things it feels like to me


like just when you think you got it under control like you'll get a little like hey you know and I just did before


this a a a solo episode where I talked about um I had a cataract in I have a


cataract in my left eye um but okay in my right eye to give you context I had a


cataract as well the difference was was I had the Cataract and then and I had a cataract surgery a month later is when I


discovered the brain tumor so of course when my left eye started flaring up a couple weeks ago I immediately thought


oh my God my brain tumor is back and I started telling myself yeah it's a related thing and it's completely


unrelated and then luckily by habit stance I just happen to have an MRI schedule that week and so it's all clear


everything's all good but it is that like thing that she reminds me all the time is like you can't go into a situation expecting what you're


expecting like you it's it's you're always going to be let down you can't go into it you know always thinking you


know oh this is how it's going to go and I think that's what a lot of us steal our joy and you know and and you know


talking about the work you do right now in you know Conscious Creation and stuff like that you I know you work a lot in


mindfulness practices with people Law of Attraction you know you you on on uh Tik


Tok I highly recommend I'll make sure in the show notes that everybody follows you like the the way that you go about it's really cool I love what I really


captivated when I told you was that it just it's approachable you know and it's like you you're approachable and it's


like it's it doesn't it takes something that I think most people feel uh from


the outside looking in I can't do that you know and you have a really unique ability to kind of do that and I wonder


if you can kind of go into a little bit about like where you think that came from like did were you surrounded by you


know women in your life that did this was there was there a person you can look back that made you learn what it


was like to be approachable to people and to get people to like I think it


takes a certain person that people want to like go like I want to share my real stuff with somebody but you know I you


know what what gets people to like open up to you and stuff like that yeah that's a really great question


um I think what gets people to open up


I mean one of the biggest things that comes to mind when I'm connecting to that question is it's just the fact that


um I do tend to be very open to my own experience like very open and curious


about my own experience and um I do tend to


be generally as a result of that open to other people's experience and just sort of um


yeah seeing it from this perspective that like of course this is what's happening like I


just give people the benefit of the doubt like I I tend to just really trust like oh if you're experiencing this of


course you're experiencing this and this is allowed to be here um and I do think


that like the more comfortable anyone is on their own emotional Spectrum it does sort of create a really


beautiful resonance with other people's emotional spectrum and it gives them sort of a permission slip to be open to


their own emotional Spectrum um and some people will come into contact with that openness and it


feels very um like intense for them because they're like wait a minute I don't want


to be open to my whole emotional spum but but some people are like oh my gosh I've been waiting to be open to myself


I've been waiting to feel these things and explore some of these things and so


they'll just go right to it and those people you know I find those people every day and I'm so grateful for that


because it's my greatest joy is being able to reflect back to people


possibility and yeah just like what's possible for them when they're alive that's great yeah and I and I think


that's that's what is is really awesome is that you're like I said I think you're really approachable in the the


way you do it it definitely comes across so kudos to you for that because I I know that I know what kind of work you


had to do on yourself to get to that point you know and being that I I hear the same sort of thing when I talk to


people and things like that and and it's and I think at first it's kind of weird because you go like well man I'm just


being myself but then you realize that like oh wait like not everybody does that and you're like so how do you how


do you approach it when you have somebody that's like let's say you know maybe um if there's somebody out there


that's listening this like man I really want to be able to like you know talk to Chloe but I'm crazy afraid to be there


like what is your approach in somebody that is coming to you like pet ified but they know that they want to tackle this


thing like are there some tips to get anybody that's reluctant to take that chance on somebody like you to reach out


and say like hey I got this I'm at this job I'm at that spot you just talked


about like what was that courage Point yeah yeah so you know the advice the


advice I would have for someone who's feeling reluctant to start making any changes um is just to acknowledge


that changes are already happening not really something you're in


control of right it's just happening this entire experience is impermanent


every second is a brand new second even if it looks slightly the same yeah and there's momentum that is happening at


every level and layer of our existence it's just constant


becoming and so the real question is not whether or not you want to change


the question is do you want to have a hand in the changes or do you want to let whatever conditioning is already


there by default make the changes on your behalf so it's kind of like it's kind of


like asking someone like if you had to paint a painting that was going to be in your house for 50 years you know do you


want to have a part in the design or do you just want to let any


artist come in like you might absolutely hate you know that style of artart that


this artist comes in and does but you're going to live with this on your wall for the next you know however many years so


do you want a say in it and I think you know I think what happens when people


realize that they don't actually have control over whether or not things are


changing but they do have control about which direction they're willing to flow


in with those changes it sort of creates this moment of empowerment to say okay


of course I would want to be a co-creator in this experience of course I would want to contribute to


this and you're able to tap into the desire you have a bit more than the


fear yeah yeah it's like giving yourself a little bit of permission to dream right to kind of like you know and I


think I think I think it's you know one of the early things I started adopting was you know working on the idea of like


you know stop expecting something and accept everything you know and kind of just be like you know like whether I


like it or not you know the world is going to keep spinning whether I'm here or not but when I'm here I can really


have some sort of impact and you know there is nobody on this Earth that will


ever exist that can do it the exact way I can so why am I holding this all to


myself you know and that was ultimately uh where I kind of came up against the


wall for myself and change was that okay like I'm still here like this thing


didn't kill me right okay so there's a reason so now I could be a total jerk


and not share or I can share what I learned and hopes that I can catch somebody else before they have to have


that thing and I think that's a big part just to Echo back what you're saying is like eventually something's going to


shake your world enough where change if you want to call it that or whatever it's going to shake you enough where


you're going to have to figure your stuff out or it's going to just roll you over right and I think that's a a big


Chun and how like what what are some things that you you tend to do that are your habits every day that helps you


stay grounded in those types of things as you're going through like a bad day or or you're overstressed or are there


little tips that you have picked up along the way that is that are like tools that help you navigate those


moments for yourself yeah definitely yeah I mean a


lot of how I respond in my day-to-day to life it has to do


with where I'm at in my own process it has to do with like am I in a space


where I am in negative momentum or am I in positive momentum um I will respond very


differently based on how you know which side of the spectrum I'm on um if I'm in


in like a negative momentum I tend to become very um


self-reflective and curious like I I think curiosity is a part of my day-to-day experience with just my own


inner World um as someone who went through I I went through like more of an intellectual Awakening before my body


started to integrate which happens to a lot of people but that definitely happened to me and one of the things


that came out of that that sort of bifurcation of like having all these


things above my neck and not below my neck was that my head would be like well you've


already learned this why is this coming up what's what's going on you know and


my head would kind of hijack a little bit um my process and um would create


like more more shame than necessary around feelings that were going on in the


body and so I've learned to really see myself as um more of an ecosystem than


just a streamlined like linear onedimensional being it's like just because I've learned something mentally


I know that it doesn't mean that you I'm fully integrated and so I always just sort of connect to my emotions as though


I'm connecting for the first time and I just ask like hey what's coming up for you like what's where where's this


coming from and I genuinely listen into the body that's a huge part of my practice um but the other part of my


practice I would say is just generally


being intentional about appreciation and about finding the joy


and giving people the benefit of the doubt and just those little things that


we can do in our day-to-day that move the needle a little bit because it's it kind of reminds me


of like when when you're on a plane and the plane's like flying cross country it's


like if that plane the nose of the plane were to shift even one degree you'll end up like 3,000 miles away from the


destination you going to be at it's like all the little moments that you have to


choose joy throughout the day those moments make a massive difference in the


outcomes that happen on your timeline so I I actually even though I teach you


know a lot of methodologies and techniques for me I really don't do very many techniques yeah I just I just focus


on being here in this moment yeah in a way that allows joy and that allows me to appreciate the little things and that


allows me to connect and to give the love that I'm wanting to experience in


the world right yeah and and it's you know I'm just curious that how how much


of your own stuff did you have to tackle to get to that place though did you have like a like I personally I had a huge


amount of self-doubt and self-hatred and stuff I had to kind of address before I got to the place you are where I feel


like I'm you and I are very in a similar spot where I have certain things I do but I don't have to do it what I had to


do when I started right like and I think that a lot of people I equate stuff like uh kids when


I you know growing up I wanted to be a professional baseball player right and I looked at my favorite players and I was like I want to be them and what you


don't understand when you're a kid is that you know your parents are always saying like well you got to work really hard those guys but as a kid it's just


like oh no I can do that right because it looks easy and I think that the reason why I asked that question is


because I think a lot of times people that you know quote unquote have it together people think oh I can do that


it's going to be easy and you know and that's the reason why I'm asking this question that way is because like to to


give people like the context of like you know understand it this is work it's not like you know there's no magic wand it's


just going to come over you're going to have to kind of face some of your stuff that you've been maybe shelving for a long time and saying I don't want to


deal with you know um yeah like how what what would you say like if you kind of look back at that process of yourself


like did you have moments where you felt like you were taking one step forward and 30 steps back and like you're


uncovering stuff you're like oh my god what the hell like I just thought I had that figured out and then there's another do you have did you have that as


well oh yeah definitely I had I had a lot of moments like that because I think on some level I I used to assume that


okay if I've got it once then you've then I can just stay happy I had sort of a destination based thinking going on


where I was like okay I'm going to get to this destination where I will just stay happy but the thing is is that even


if you stay in alignment 100% of the time you're still because everything is


always expanding that's the nature of our experience it's always expanding


there's always momentum even if you're in alignment all the time you're still going to manifest


growth opportunities which are going to feel uncomfortable because they're expanding you MH they're taking you out


of that comfort zone and they're putting you in a place where you might not have this strength built up yet to tackle


that immediately so it might be uncomfortable so I definitely I


definitely will say you know I used to think that those moments of contraction were something I was doing wrong but


it's the in andout Breath of Life like that's what happens you ride that wave


up to more and more of your experience and you're sort of asymptotically approaching this line of quote unquote


you know Perfection but the point is that it's asymptotic you're not going to


be there ever that's the point of it the point of it is that the point of it is


that you're on a journey within a journey within a journey and it just keeps unfolding


forever um and then I also wanted to mention this one thing before I forget


because you you talked about how like when you're a kid you know it feels like it's so easy like of course I could do


that and on some level that kid self is tapping into the


truth because what that kid self is experiencing is oh you're I'm resonating


with the fact that they're in the flow I'm resonating with like the the ease of


that but the most difficult thing and this is sort of the balance of this


journey is that not that it's not easy what it is is that it's unlearning the


difficulty that's difficult yeah it's actually like integrating ease that's hard because we live on planet Earth so


on planet Earth at this time it is you know we learn a lot of very difficult


ways of being and it's and it's a part of our of our journey of desire and contrast and


expansion so yeah no I agree and I think that it it's it's interesting because


there was like I think I want to say it was like a Jim Carrey was doing some um commencement at a a meditation school I


know it's like out there on the internet it's like and he talks about how um he was having this amazing meditation one


time and he was like he felt like at one with the universe and everything was in alignment and it was amazing and the


World opened up to him and then he pauses and in like in a comedic way he goes and I've been chasing that every


since sense and I think that people do that like we we think that it's a one


time and done like it's a one and done thing and i' I have in meditation practice and stuff like that myself had


those times where you know I've sat for I mean I think the other day I sat


through two guided meditations and it was like an hour and I had just been sitting there but I was


so in the moment it wasn't even like I was like attracting anything it wasn't like


I was like I just was and it just felt so at peace with it


and when I started this stuff and this is I guess I'm saying it as a warning for people is that like that's never


going to happen again like that like it's always going to be a new version of that kind of thing and we kind of get


stuck in that trap of thinking like you know this is a this is a a one and done stuff but and I think this is where you


know finding people like Chloe are really important because they can be Guides Through that process as you go through and and and Awakening to


yourself and figuring out because it it it does tend to be lonely a little bit


because sometimes you're going to have some friends I don't know if you had this experience too and I'll I'll let you answer but like where you start


going like hey yo I'm gonna go on this path over here and you always got those friends and those I don't know why we


listen to those friends or we like allow them to be the louder voice that goes like man you're crazy like this is like


what do you think you're doing did you have any of that experience like that with the Inner Circle people that are


you know um I always like to tell people like don't be surprised if the people that uproot you the quickest are the


ones that are the closest to you you know um did you ever have any of that stuff with you in your in your path as


well yeah definitely I mean I feel like for the most part my like core like


support system they've all kind of just continued to grow with me and some of those folks I've known since I've been


like on this journey literally you know since 12 years ago you know some of


those folks I've known since then but there are some people where and I've kind of learned I


would say over the years not to add too much meaning to this for myself but


there have been people where you can just sort of feel that bifurcation happen where their souls just choosing a


different route and you know I feel like I've been


very okay with for the most part when that happens I just sort of trust it and


again coming from that underlying assumption that everything is happening for my expansion for my


benefit um but I've been mostly okay with it but there have been times when because I'm so focused on my path I'll


look up and realize wow I haven't thought about that person for six months or I haven't thought about that person for a year and they just totally will


fall out of my field frequency wise and and you know I I think there can be


sometimes this temptation to say like that person's you know on a a worse path


or something and I'm on this growth path but the thing that's interesting is I


have I have seen so many people just not for any really good


reason other than it just wasn't their path of least resistance the heart it it


just happens and sometimes you don't know why but a lot of it is just trusting like hey if there's not


resonance here here I'm willing to trust that and I'm willing to let go and and


really just forgive the moment gracefully yeah that's amazing yeah so


in your you know in your quest to like as we Circle back to that first question


I'm just curious like if you could if if you were at across the table from the


Chloe that was at that corporate gig that was you know feeling at that dead end and all that stuff like that and


that was at the point where it was like confused like where you started to kind of feel it right and you can go back in time and set across the table from from


her like and you told her all the stuff you've been able to do since like what what do you think that that her reaction


would be to that kind of thing like she'd probably start crying I


was crying a lot at that time because I was I would like release a lot of resistance through


tears um I feel like she'd probably start crying she'd probably


still probably be really scared because I think at that point I really wanted that reassurance of like the journey


going to be easy you know I think that was always the the fear I had was like yeah I know


I could get there but like is the journey going to be okay yeah you know so I always kind of was like scared of


that stuff but I think um I think what I would probably say to her would be


something along the lines of it's not really about what happens next it's about who you become


next um and I would just let her know that


everything she's looking for she already has so it would just be looking inside


yeah I love that that would really be the the conversation yeah I think I think it's


always amazing as we go out on these quests right and we realize in mindsight like damn it was there that whole time


like and here I went thinking I had to go I had to go out all the spots and you


and and you wish that you can have that time back because you're like man I spent so much time thinking that I had


to chase this down and I had to chase that down and and I always wonder like in Alice and Wonderland it's like we're


kind of like that you know that rabbit you're running after that rabbit always and it's not to you kind of stop and go


like yo that Rabbit doesn't exist it's it's just it just is that's time that's


what it represents it's just time and really it's it's about just kind of getting to know us and realize that like


you know everything that you want to have happen to you is hidden behind everything you're afraid to like face


and very well said it's so hard though it's so incredibly hard to find that


bravery and courage in stepping into it and I think that's where you know in my


quest and I know we share the same sort of thing because we talked about it was like I want I want to be the best anti- Guru right and it's not like this is how


you do it it's more about like look at what we're doing and this is how we did it and understand that you're you know


serving as a guid poost like yo this can be done it you know it's not you know we're regular people and this is where


um I I was really drawn to your stuff on on Tik Tok where it it's that like oh


this is a real person this isn't somebody standing on a stage in front of 10,000 people saying for 1999 a month


I'm gonna solve all of your issues like it's and I think that's the other part is like you know people were IND


initated with these different gobus out there and we we don't realize and I and I guess I'm saying this to the people


listening is that like you know understand that there a lot of those people are paying to get into your feed


they're paying to get into your feed to sell you more stuff whereas the people that are showing up authentically and


you're actually resonating with those are the people that you should reach out to and you know yeah and I want to like


you know bring that up because I know we're getting close towards you but I want to make sure that we're covering what you do now um so people can find


you and all that good stuff like that as well um I found you on Tik Tok I know you're on Instagram as well um you know


do you do you have a favorite platform that you tend to go to if people are looking to connect to you is there a way


that they should like search you and I I'll definitely have all your links here but is there is there a way that they


know they can get you for sure yeah so whether you message me on


Tik Tok or on Instagram I'll for sure get it because I'm just on both platforms pretty


regularly um but most


what I'm teaching um as far as direct teaching goes is on Tik Tok


okay yeah and so I think for folks who sense of that it would


be through Tik Tok um so yeah I think that would be the


best place would be TI to okay great and did they they can get in touch with you


to get like coach and and work through all this stuff and you provide a multi-level surface it's not just you


know the videos are great but like you know like anything like there's there is more to it than just the Quick videos on


Tik Tok and stuff like that yes and I think you know I think the folks that really want to explore


they can definitely reach out and have a call with me in chat or we can do an actual coaching call um but I'm also


going to be coming out with a course soon as well because I do feel like there's some people that just want to be


able to self-pace and learn some of these things and apply some of these things in that setting that's some of the feedback that I'm getting um and so


yeah I have already sort of started the process of putting that all together and it'll be out like probably within the


next couple of weeks awesome yeah awesome yeah awesome and I you know I


think you know again I just want to like Echo back to the stuff we were talking about where you know it it is that


acknowledging it's scary you know for people to realize that like you know that that that evolution is scary but I


also think that in in that process what you'll realize too is that pretty much


anything you've accomplished in life started out at a scary point and I think that hopefully true people can hear that


will Echo and and it but it is by finding people like Chloe to reach out to that will help you see that it's


scary for them as well like the people that have that that have mastered this stuff it wasn't like some how it just


magically was handed to them and it wasn't scary the process like you know so when you're looking for people to to


connect with you know it it is it is people like Khloe that are going through it that have been through it that are


really going to be the ones that are going to help shape your life it's so much easier to work with people that have that have done it versus people


that are that are that are just students of it and they've gotten really good at speaking to speak of it um and so you


know I just want to like encourage all that stuff um and you know is there any like anything else that we can kind of


as we wrap up here that you would like to extend out to people or like to to say before we wrap up uh is there


anything else that was left unsaid well I I want to just Echo what you just said actually what you just


said about you know we're just normal people um you know all the fears that anyone who's listening to this might


have about their journey and about what's possible for them or about what it means to really cross the chasm from


where you are to where you want to go um just know that you're you're listening to two people that have crossed the


chasm fiely we've made it across um and at the end of the day no


one ourselves included definitely there's nothing that we have that is


different than anything you have um the only difference is just for whatever


reason looking in the direction of where we want to go and consistently looking in that direction and if looking in that


direction inspires you to reach reach out to someone great but even if you never reach out just please trust that


you have what you need yeah please even if you never go to my Tik Tok even if you never buy anything even if you never


try to get coaching from me or anyone else you have it a lot of it is just trusting that and allowing confirmation


bias to show you that that is the case that's wonderful what a perfect way to wrap up and and so guys as you're as


we're wrapping up here I wanted to just encourage you and and just reaffirm to you all that uh you know you're doing a


great job being a human is not easy uh it it is ups and downs and it is you trials and errors but you're doing a


good job and if somebody hasn't told you lately uh that they're proud of you uh know that we're both proud of you you


you've accomplished way more and you're way tougher than you're giving yourself credit for um but just keep going keep ride a prize and uh Above All Else uh we


just hope this helped and uh Chloe thank you so much for joining me um wish you


all the success and um you know wherever you travel next uh and and let's keep in


touch I certainly following you on Tik Tok and I can't wait to keep up with that and I encourage everybody to check the show notes and make sure you're


following Chloe as well so have safe travels and we'll talk soon absolutely thank you see


you bye [Music]


bye Fox land media think big

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